OMGL: TP2 set linesize 600; /*1*/ select nom, prenom from adherent where adresse='Orleans'; /*2*/ select distinct intitule from activite natural join participe where exists( select participe.numact from participe); /*3*/ select distinct nom, prenom, intitule from intervenant, activite, anime; /*4*/ select distinct nom, prenom, intitule, anneeparticipe from adherent natural join participe natural join activite where adherent.nom='Martin' and adherent.prenom='Martine' and participe.anneeparticipe='2007'; /*5*/ select nom, prenom from adherent natural join participe natural join activite where intitule='Judo' and anneeparticipe='2006'; /*6*/ select nom, prenom from adherent intersect select nom, prenom from intervenant; /*6 bis*/ select distinct nom, prenom from adherent natural join intervenant; /*7*/ select theme from activite having count (*)>1 group by theme; /*8*/ select intitule, theme from activite natural join participe